The Time of awakening & understanding

Learn Animal Communication in an intensive Training Course 2024

December 7 - 19

Immerse yourself in the inspiring environment of Ibiza and take the opportunity to fully focus on your animal communication training. I have deliberately chosen Ibiza as the venue to offer you optimal conditions for your learning phase and to exclude any external distractions.

During your time on Ibiza you can fully concentrate on your clear goal and complete a professional and holistic training as an animal communicator. I will support you in developing your skills, sharpening your intuition and building a deep connection with animals. The stay in Ibiza will allow you to learn and grow in a harmonious and calm environment. You will be accompanied by an experienced animal communicator who will share her knowledge and experience with you. Together we will work on your personal and professional growth to achieve your goals.

The intensive training in Ibiza offers you the opportunity to reorient yourself professionally and turn your passion for animal communication into a fulfilling career. I will support you to reach your full potential and develop your skills as an animal communicator.

Take advantage of this unique opportunity to study animal communication intensively in an inspiring environment in Ibiza. I look forward to accompanying you on your path to professional animal communication and to making your dreams come true. Secure your place in the intensive training now and start your journey to a new professional perspective.

Logo Linda Erbe

The Animal Communication Training is designed to...

Expand your knowledge in the animal world with proper alignment. Understand the principles of animal communication and find out what animals think and feel, how energies move through the body of animals. Discover the consciousness of animals. Learn and practice understanding animals through practical exercises. Feel what it is like to be in their body by letting your senses guide you. Gain the animals' perspective, experience and process of sending and receiving telepathic messages. Reveal your true self and the ability to see from the animals' eyes. Support humans and animals to better understand each other on their soul journey.

Are you looking to make a professional shift?

I can assist you with that.

Learn techniques to merge body, mind and spirit with animals. Discover ways to understand and support animals' needs. Improve and strengthen your ability to communicate with animals. Find your own voice in animal communication and build your confidence through practical exercises. Gain a broader understanding of animal communication, its history and philosophy.


See with new eyes.

Feel with a new heart.

Understand with a new consciousness.

Villa Tierkommunikation

Travel with Intention

and come home transformed

Learning another language and mastering it requires appropriate practice opportunities with a variety of animals. Honest feedback to gently and lovingly correct mistakes to go into the next animal conversations stronger, so that your confidence grows. It is important to work on accuracy of messages. You will work on your strengths and skills. A big-hearted group of like-minded people is waiting for you.

Learn professionally

Animal Communication on Ibiza

I am happy to welcome you to a unique animal communication training on the beautiful island of Ibiza. This formative intensive training will open gates and doors to a new professional world. During your animal communication training I will be there to support you and guide you through every step of the training. The animal communication training will be an unforgettable experience that will pave your way into your new life. You decide your destiny to speak with animals.
Tierkommunikation lernen

Three modules await you in the animal communication training

Module 1

  • From the basics to the details of animal communication
  • Understanding animal communication and experiencing background knowledge
  • Different meditations
  • Telepathic conversations with wild animals and your animal and the animals of the other participants

Module 2

  • Shamanic journey with your power animal
  • Cocoa ceremony to focus yourself
  • Body scan with animals
  • Aura discovery
  • Blockage release

Module 3

  • Exercises at magical power places
  • Prevent misinterpretations
  • End of life care
  • Conversations with deceased animals
  • Healing work
  • Self-protection
    BUSINESS - everything you need to know for your profession
Ibiza Finka

Designed just for you


The group energy is always individual and I adapt to it. Some participants want to work on other topics, some need longer, some shorter. Expectations are exceeded but not in the way they were expected.

By facilitating an equal dialogue through animal communication, you will determine exactly what messages animals want to convey.

Schamanische Reise

Learn under expert and experienced guidance from me

Of course, you will have many questions that each participant has and from this you will understand the big picture of animal communication. In the group you can always exchange and find answers to new questions.

Make an unforgettable animal communication training with depth, calmness and professionalism. The Animal Communication Intensive Training provides you with all the necessary qualifications to work as an animal communicator.

The uniquely designed curriculum based on my concept combines the philosophy of animal communication and the code of ethics to speak with animals. While the Ibiza training is designed to be a comprehensive learning experience, it is down to earth and personalized.

Ibiza Sunset Retreat

Reincarnation and Animal Communication

Death is part of life. Sooner or later we will all leave the earth. Therefore, this is an important and exciting complex of topics in animal communication.

The topic of reincarnation in animals is unfortunately not yet very popular. Through my life story I have specialized among other things in conversations with deceased animals. This knowledge will benefit you for your future as an animal communicator.

Are you ready for the change in your life?

How do the individual days of the animal communication training proceed?

Start the day


  • At our common breakfast we strengthen ourselves for the day
  • At 11: 00 AM the first learning unit starts
  • Our lunch will take place between 1:00 PM and 2:00 PM, providing us with an hour to relax and reflect on what we have learned
  • Afterwards we will continue to practice your telepathic abilities to communicate with animals.
Sonnenliegen Pool

After the lunch break, you can relax and move on to the next learning units of your training. There are days when you will have more rest periods, because breaks are important. After all, you want to process what you have learned.

In the evening we end the day with a delicious meal prepared especially for us.

Why don't you start learning Animal Communication?

What is stopping you from incorporating this unique communication into your life?

Each person has their own intuitive language to speak with animals. Find your own vocabulary and become confident in your own language with animals. You may find out during the training if you are drawn to a particular niche in animal communication. Professional certification will allow you to be compensated for your services. You will continue your personal journey after the animal communication training.

Highlights of the Animal Communication Training

  • Trips and exercises at power places
  • Conversations with wild animals
  • Shamanic power animal journey
  • Manifestation ritual
  • Surprise gift

Down-to-Earth and Solution-oriented

This unique and educational animal communication training is for participants of all levels. If you also want to turn your dream into a profession and learn to work confidently as an animal communicator, then you are exactly right in my training. At the end of the animal communication training you will receive a certificate.


 Allow yourself to trust your intuition

Supporting Practices

Be amazed at what animals reveal

You will learn what it really takes to meet high standards of work with people and animals. I recommend practices specific to your growth needs to help you in your process. Through daily techniques and exercises, you will learn to sharpen your psychic and intuitive skills. You will have many animal conversations and together we will review and reflect. Little by little you will learn to dive deeper and deeper into the language of animals.

Learn Concepts

and find your place in animal communication

It is so valuable to get a reflection from the other participants and the practice conversations. We will communicate together with an animal to clarify and confirm all the details of animal communication. In your training it is important to fall in love with the work, animals make it easy for us to communicate with them. Your animal will be happy to be a part of your journey. I teach you my animal communication tips and tricks from my toolbox.


You will learn

  • How to connect with the physical body of animals, perform a body scan to uncover health issues
  • How to ground yourself to enter into an animal conversation with a neutral and open consciousness
  • How to identify the relationship dynamics of mirroring between humans and animals and their relationship
  • How to recognize misinterpretations in order not to let yourself be led astray
  • How to find your personal path into your new professional field

Transparent animal communication

 Learn to watch out for sources of error and misinterpretation

As an animal communicator, I am very concerned with addressing the potential pitfalls and misinterpretations that can occur in telepathic conversation.

In my training as an animal communicator, I have paid special attention to how you can avoid these potential pitfalls. This is because I am aware that even small discrepancies in the interpretation of telepathic information can lead to misunderstandings.

Through my years of experience, I know that some animal communicators are not as attentive to this issue, which can lead to inaccurate or unclear messages. Unlike many other animal communicators, I have intentionally specialized in this challenge to ensure and teach the highest possible accuracy and clarity in communication.

An example of this is when you receive a photo or telepathic video sequence in an animal communication and a shadow or similar visual illusion misinterprets the meaning. This could distort the message or statement, leading to ambiguity.

To overcome these challenges, it is critical to work on receiving messages clearly. In my training you will learn how to strengthen your intuition and communicate with animals in a clear and conscious way. We will use various techniques and exercises to develop your skills and ensure that you receive the most accurate information possible.

It is important to me that animal communication is not only a wonderful experience for pet owners and their beloved animals, but also a responsible and professional practice. That's why I strive to continually expand my knowledge and skills, and always continue my education to provide you with the best animal communication training possible. My mission as a mentor is to teach clear, authentic and respectful communication.

Veranda Ibiza

Support after the Training

You will gain many new experiences during your time in Ibiza. You will reflect on these experiences and new questions will arise. It is therefore even more important for me to continue to support you after the training. Therefore, the animal communication training includes an individual one-hour Zoom Coaching after your training in Ibiza. This gives you the opportunity to talk to me again. We will plan an individual appointment just for you.


LearnAnimal Communication

Relaxation in the Villa

Welcome to the exclusive villa on Ibiza. Immerse yourself in the magic of the white island and enjoy your stay in our unique training villa for the next 13 days. The villa is the ideal place to fully concentrate on your training. Here you can develop your skills in animal communication in an inspiring environment. All rooms offer stunning ocean views and have private balconies or garden access. Enjoy the comfort of your en suite bathroom and be impressed by the generous size of the house. The garden extends over an impressive 7,41 Acres and invites you to linger and explore. Use the peaceful and serenity of the training villa to intensively explore animal communication and deepen your skills.

Lotus House

Welcome on the white island

Ibiza gives you space to reset and the magic to think and feel in new ways.

A Luxury Retreat on Ibiza

During this time we will stay in one of the most beautiful and luxurious accommodations on the island. The spacious rooms offer plenty of room to relax, while the large, lush garden is an oasis of relaxation. In addition, there is a sauna where you can relax. Especially impressive is the breathtaking sunset that can be enjoyed from the pool.


Learn magical Animal Communication on Ibiza

The large living area offers enough space to feel comfortable and enjoy relaxing moments. You can feel safe as the house is equipped with an alarm system. Our villa combines modern comfort with the typical Ibicencan style and radiates a cozy atmosphere from the moment you enter.

Experience an unforgettable time in our Retreat Villa, where you can feel at home and fully enjoy the beauty of the island of Ibiza.

Versatile environments for Spiritual Animal Communication

In the Animal Communication Retreat on Ibiza I offer different places to practice, both indoors and outdoors. In the spacious and cozy villa we can do concentrated and focused exercises. The different places to practice offer flexibility and variety, depending on the weather and the type of practice. Whether indoors or outdoors, we create an inspiring environment to develop your animal communication skills.

The varied practice sites allow you to explore and expand your animal communication skills in different ways. Whether you prefer the silence and stillness of the villa or enjoy the energetic atmosphere outdoors, my workshops offer you the opportunity to deepen your connection with animals and develop yourself.


Exclusive Retreat: Your own bedroom during your Animal Communication Training

Enjoy absolute privacy and relaxation in your own bedroom during your animal communication training. I attach great importance to each participant having their own individual retreat to ensure peace and relaxation.

In the spacious and comfortably furnished bedrooms you will experience a pleasant atmosphere that invites you to feel at ease. Each room is carefully designed to create a harmonious environment for your rest.

You can look forward to returning to your cozy room after an eventful day and finding the peace and privacy you need. My goal is for you to completely relax and regenerate to recharge your batteries.

Lotus House Bedroom
Bedroom Ibiza

Let's talk about food

Food and drinks are provided during your stay in Ibiza.


Fresh & Healthy

Enjoy delicious plant-based meals prepared with love. Meals that satisfy your appetite and support your energy.

Indulge in delectable plant-based meals crafted with love. These meals are not just a treat for your taste buds but also a source of sustainable energy, nourishing your body and revitalizing your spirit. At the retreat, I place a strong emphasis on wholesome plant-based cuisine that not only satiates your appetite but also inspires your well-being. 


Catering is provided

The dedicated chef use fresh, high-quality ingredients to create dishes that not only satisfy your cravings but also promote your overall wellness. Each meal is a sensory delight and an opportunity to elevate the connection between nutrition and well-being to new heights. Immerse yourself in a world of mindful eating and discover how delightful and nourishing plant-based cuisine can truly be.

Breakfast, dinner and snacks are included. We have an open communal kitchen, so you can help yourself in the kitchen anytime in between.


Your investment in Animal Communication Training

Option 1: Book in Full and Get 5% Off

$ 7,800

Per Person

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Option 2: Two Installments

$ 4,095

Per Person

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Book now and experience a transformative Animal Communication Training on Ibiza

Book your place and get ready for a life changing experience. Change your life and learn professional animal communication in Ibiza and choose the booking option that suits you best. I offer two different options to book your place for the Animal Communication Intensive Training.

Option 1: Book in full and get a 5% discount. Secure your spot by paying the full amount up front and receive a 5% discount on the animal communication training. This is a great option for those who want to fully commit to the experience and enjoy a discount on the training.

Option 2: Two to Three Installment Payments. Would you rather spread out your payments? Choose the option through installments, where you make the first payment to secure your spot and the other payments at a later date. This option is perfect for those who want to budget their expenses and still secure their spot.

Animal Communication Training is a great investment in your future and I am confident it will be worth every penny. No matter which option you choose, I can't wait to welcome you to the magical island. Get ready for an unforgettable experience!

Book with Confidence

Clear and simple terms and conditions

I am a small independent company and your reservation is extremely important to me. I invest a lot of love, time and energy in organizing the animal communication training and do not return any advance payments. Therefore I ask you to read the terms and conditions carefully before you make a reservation. By transferring your deposit you confirm that you have read, understood and agreed to the terms and conditions outlined. Thank you for your understanding.

For any further questions feel free and write me an E-mail.

Take me to Ibiza to learn Animal telepathy